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florida-ic.com is the exclusive property and part of Space Coast IC, Inc.


Independent Component Distribution

Space Coast IC, Inc. is an independent distributor for many semiconductor, passive, opto, and electro-mechanical component manufacturers. Our wide range gives customers more choice on when and how to purchase their requirements. Space Coast IC, Inc. has a comprehensive data library ensuring a quick response to enquiries.

Global Component Sourcing

Space Coast IC, Inc. and our international partners provide stock locations and procurement service. We rapidly source allocated, obsolete, hard to find, and long lead time devices. Operating 24 hours a day we try harder than anyone to solve your problems.

Vendor Base Reduction & Kitting Programmes

With our broad line card and complete BOM product coverage Space Coast IC, Inc. has become a vendor base reduction specialist. This is ideal for companies no longer wishing to deal with a large number of suppliers, or Sub-contract manufacturers with full procurement contracts.


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